Subject Verb Agreement Present Continuous

Subject-verb agreement in the present continuous tense can be a confusing aspect of grammar. However, it is an essential aspect to master for anyone who wants to write effectively and communicate their message accurately. In this article, we will discuss what the present continuous tense is, how it works, and most importantly, how to make […]


Subject-verb agreement in the present continuous tense can be a confusing aspect of grammar. However, it is an essential aspect to master for anyone who wants to write effectively and communicate their message accurately. In this article, we will discuss what the present continuous tense is, how it works, and most importantly, how to make sure your subject and verb are in agreement when using this tense.

The present continuous tense, also known as the present progressive tense, is used to describe an action that is ongoing or happening right now, at the time of speaking. For example, «I am writing an article» or «She is studying English.»

To form the present continuous tense, we use the helping verb «to be» in the present tense, followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb. For example, «I am writing» or «She is studying.»

Now let`s talk about subject-verb agreement in the present continuous tense. The subject of a sentence agrees with the verb, meaning they must match in terms of singular or plural form. For example:

– «I am writing an article.» (singular subject «I» matches the singular verb «am»)

– «They are playing basketball.» (plural subject «they» matches the plural verb «are»)

However, it`s important to note that some subjects can be tricky in terms of their singular or plural form. For example:

– Collective nouns, such as «team» or «family,» can be singular or plural depending on context. If the group is acting as a single unit, use a singular verb. If the group is acting individually, use a plural verb. For example, «The team is playing well» versus «The team are arguing among themselves.»

– Indefinite pronouns, such as «everyone» or «someone,» are always singular and must be paired with a singular verb. For example, «Everyone is going to the party» or «Someone is calling you.»

In summary, subject-verb agreement in the present continuous tense is essential for clear and accurate communication. Remember to match the subject and verb in terms of singular or plural form, and pay attention to tricky subjects such as collective nouns and indefinite pronouns. By mastering this aspect of grammar, you`ll be well on your way to becoming a strong and effective writer.