Lump Sum Contract Meaning in Kannada

The concept of lump sum contract, also known as fixed-price contract, is widely used in Kannada business dealings. A lump sum contract is a type of contract where a single total price is set for the completion of a specific project, product or service. In Kannada, lump sum contract is known as “ಒಂದು ಐತಿಹಾಸಿಕ ಮೊತ್ತ” […]


The concept of lump sum contract, also known as fixed-price contract, is widely used in Kannada business dealings. A lump sum contract is a type of contract where a single total price is set for the completion of a specific project, product or service.

In Kannada, lump sum contract is known as “ಒಂದು ಐತಿಹಾಸಿಕ ಮೊತ್ತ” (Ondu Itihasika Motta). This is a contract agreement where a contractor agrees to perform a specific job for a fixed price.

Lump sum contracts are commonly used in the construction industry. For example, a client may ask a contractor to build a house for a total cost of Rs. 50 lakh. The contractor must then complete the construction within the agreed-upon budget.

This type of contract is also used in other industries such as manufacturing, software development, and transportation. In manufacturing, a company might hire a contractor to produce a certain number of products within a set budget. In software development, a client may hire a contractor to develop a mobile application for a fixed price. In transportation, a client may hire a trucking company to transport a specific amount of goods for a fixed price.

One advantage of a lump sum contract is that it eliminates the need for the client to be involved in the day-to-day management of the project. The contractor is responsible for managing the project and ensuring that it is completed within the agreed-upon budget.

However, there are also some disadvantages to a lump sum contract. The contractor may be tempted to cut corners to save money, which could result in a lower quality product or service. Also, if unexpected costs arise during the project, the contractor may struggle to complete the project within the agreed-upon budget.

In conclusion, a lump sum contract is a popular type of contract used in Kannada business dealings. It is an agreement where a contractor agrees to perform a specific job for a fixed price. While it has advantages such as eliminating the need for day-to-day management by the client, it also poses the risk of corners being cut to save money, or unexpected costs arising during the project.